How to enjoy local Japanese TV or radio programs in Japan for free via the network?

Many of the contents provided by NHK are based on the premise of a viewing contract. They are for subscribers only. However, this does not assume a viewing contract.

多言語サービス | NHK WORLD-JAPAN - NHKの国際サービス
NHKワールド JAPANは公式ウェブサイトやアプリを通じて、ニュースや多彩な番組のライブ配信、オンデマンド配信を行っています。

Radio companies broadcast their programs for free in general. Besides TV programs, NHK provides online radio programs for three channels. It also provides a dedicated mobile free application.

NHKラジオ らじる★らじる

If you do not have a viewing contract with NHK and watch TV via the network, using TVer, you can watch all for free, but in Japanese only, to see what is being shown. Try it with your OCR translator to sign up and enjoy local Japanese programs such as comedies, dramas, and animation films.

TVer - 無料で動画見放題

Lastly, all these services are available only in Japan unless you use the appropriate VPN service outside of Japan.

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