What is unique about Japanese “Coming of Age Day”?

Japanese Coming-of-Age Day was officially enacted in 1948. It originates from an old traditional ceremony called “Genpuku no Gi” held in January. Starting April 1, 2022, the legal age of adulthood changed from 20 to 18. This January, the first time since the change, the coming-of-age ceremony was held as a “20-year-old gathering” for 20-year-old men and women, as before, instead of targeting 18-year-olds.

Japanese “Coming of Age Day,” or “Seijin no Hi, – せいじんのひ – 成人の日” is unique in a few ways.

One way it’s unique is that it is a national holiday in Japan, which means that many businesses and offices are closed for the day. This allows young adults who have reached the age of majority to participate in ceremonies and celebrations with their families and communities.

Another unique aspect of the holiday is that it is a time for young adults to reflect on their responsibilities as adults in society. The ceremonies and events that take place on this day often include speeches and activities that make young adults think about their role in their community and how they can help their community.

Also, on this day, many young adults will be given a certificate of adulthood at their local government office and congratulated by their mayor. They will also often wear traditional Japanese clothing, such as a “hakama” for men and a “furisode” for women. This is a traditional and formal attire that adults wear.

Another special thing about this day is that it is a time for young people to celebrate and enjoy their new rights, like voting, drinking, and smoking.

Overall, Japanese “Coming of Age Day” is a unique celebration that combines elements of tradition, reflection, and celebration. It marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood in a way that is both meaningful and fun. Enjoy the new rights that come with reaching the age of majority, like drinking, smoking, and voting.

Overall, Japanese “Coming of Age Day” is a unique celebration that combines elements of tradition, reflection, and celebration. It marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood in a way that is both meaningful and fun.

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